The initial development of our facilities commenced in 2000 for a 6 year period. They were completed in 2006 with assistance from Fás and funding was provided by The National Lottery.
These facilities included a fully drained playing pitch, adjacent floodlit sand surface training ground, shower rooms, large multi-purpose room, fully equipped kitchen facility and 200 seater stadium. The stand, dressing rooms and associated facilities were officially opened by Pakie Bonnar, Irish International Keeper and blessed by Fr. Gerry Sweeney, SMA in 2007. Our generous sized multi-purpose room is utilised for various activities and doubles up as a meeting room.

We provided a 2nd playing pitch which was officially opened in Sept 2019 by Noel Mooney, FAI General Manager and we are proud to say this was funded solely from various fundraising initiatives. We also have in place a lighted tarmac surface perimeter walkway incorporating gym equipment thanks in the main to LEADER grant funding. Thanks to Frank Keane for all his help with the LEADER application, Orla McCaffrey who looked after the paperwork and Robbie Parker who drew up the plans. This facility was officially opened at the same time and is open to everyone, free of charge.
In 2021 we officially opened our playground located to the rear of the main playing pitch. 2021 also saw the provision of perimeter safety fencing to two sides of the main pitch. Thanks once again to LEADER for the welcome funding. Currently we are fundraising at large to complete an astro turf playing pitch which we received part grant funding through the 2020 Sports Capital allocation. We hope to have this fully completed for the commencement of the 2023/24 season. Any financial help or otherwise you can offer to assist us in accomplishing the next fruits of our development will be more than greatly appreciated.
We will be forever grateful to Frank and Bernie Burke and Family c/o Burkes Bar who kindly donated the pitch to the club committee to enable us to develop the club’s facilities. We are also indebted to our numerous sponsors and supporters who put their hand in their pocket time and time again. Without their generosity, there is no doubt but we would not be in the position we find ourselves in today. We are also grateful to PJ Connell of GRD for the on-going maintenance of the pitch, grounds and clubhouse facility and to Ita Kenny and Kathleen Cannon, GRD Supervisors and their team of men who undertake large bodies of work as per our work plan and when the need arises. These lads are always willing to undertake any task no matter the size. Thanks also to supervisor Paul Sexton (Tús), and to Patrick Hynes (GRD) our regular grass cutter. There’s no doubt our facilities would not be as pristine today without their superb assistance.