Colemanstown 10k – Less than 4 days to go…..

Colemanstown 10k takes place this Saturday 19th April at 12noon. Registrations can still be made on line at up to Thursday evening. We encourage as many as possible to register on line in advance as this will avoid much unnecessary paperwork on the day. Registration for the race will also be taken on the morning of the run in the clubhouse from 10am -11.30 am.  Once again, the race is chip timed by Red Tag Timing. Prizes on offer include 1st, 2nd and 3rd Senior Men & women and 1st place O/40, O/50 & O/60 male & female category prizes. So if you have not entered already please do so as soon as possible as this is a ‘must do’ race for quality, friendliness and atmosphere. As always the powerful bakers in our community will be doing their best to replenish all burned calories at the end of the race! There will be ample parking on the day and the course has plenty of variety starting from the clubhouse at the soccer grounds and taking you around the heart of the countryside. All participants be prepared to give yourself plenty of time as the run itself starts 1km from the soccer grounds. Children, also be well prepared for the 1km fun run which starts at 11am. All participants receive a finishers medal and goody bag. Any additional info can be got from 087 9000526/ 086 8063191/ 087 6532105.